Developing performance goals and indicators that balance profits, people, and places. Conscious Impacts has the experience and tools to change the investment paradigm.
Quality, not quantity
Investments benefit local economies most when they are sensibly planned to minimize the downside and maximize the good.
In order to effectively respect and enhance the heritage, culture, traditions, and distinctiveness of local communities, preserve destination authenticity, engage resident stakeholders in decision making, and increase the quality and number of local jobs, sound investments must:
Be scalable with an eye toward additional revenue streams and impact on conservation,
Be flexible with approaches toward product competitiveness,
Be structured so that investment impact and pricing strategies can be tested,
Be transparent about lessening risk, and
Be adaptable to leverage relationships with members and partners.
X'cacel Turtle Sanctuary
How do you conduct a proper valuation of an ecosystem and its services?
This study focuses on the economic impact of the construction of a major resort next to a fragile turtle nesting site at X'cacel, Mexico.